Monday, January 30, 2017

Installing synths....

... is hard work.

Always amazed to find that synths have the most convoluted and unpleasant download and licensing systems of any software I own, so when I change computers the work involved in getting them back up and running again is astronomical.

I don't use synths much in my country-rock side, they are mostly for my instrumental side, except for one song. Decided to bite the bullet and get the synths I need for it reinstalled, since I am remixing everything from the last 2 years - 10 songs down, 4 to go, and 1 more that needs a female session singer!

Anyway, time to get back to those installs..... wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Sound drivers, ugh!

Not too long ago, I changed my main computer, and the sound drivers have never been quite the same since. I use ASIO4ALL, and the new machine always has dropouts when I am monitoring what I am recording, or with some settings actual dropouts that make recording stop.

Then some combination that worked in Cubase didn't work with Adobe Premiere, then uninstalling the Audiobox drivers meant no sound from Windows though Cubase worked fine, and disabling the onboard sound devices resulted in a crash on updating NVIDIA drivers and ASIO4ALL freezing when I tried to run Cubase.... sometimes I miss the days of reel-to-reel ;)

Anyway, haven't let it stop me finishing up remixing "Different This Time", which I had thought I liked last time around but ended up making tons of changes to the mix. Next up, finding a session singer for it!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hello, 2017!

The start of a brand new year! Though I don't believe in New Year resolutions, I am planning to do a ew things different this year - for one, keep this blog updated more often.

Amplitube 4

Over the Christmas holidays, I decided to treat myself. Originally, I was just going to snag the '65 Super Reverb plus associated cab, but with that coming in around $50 and the whole Fender 2 collection being $99 or so, I thought it would make more sense to go for the whole collection.

Turned out to be a good choice, as I ended up loving some of the tweed items in the collection even more, especially the '57 Custom Pro and Twin.

I actually upgraded from Amplitube 3 to Amplitube 4 at the same time, and that also proved to be a smart move - I found I was rather partial to the Red Pig cab in combination with the Fender amps, so, I have been going through and replacing some of the sounds in the "Restless Guitar" songs with this new set up

I also found a use for the Acoustic Sun stomp box in there - it claims to make your electric sound like an acoustic, and while I can't say I've found that to be the case, it sure does add a different sound to your electric, and that ended up inspiring a whole new song! So a worthwhile purchase.

Useful Links:
Amplitube 4:
Fender Collection 2:
