Saturday, July 26, 2014

Camp Copperhead was awesome!

Steve Earle closing one of the open mic sessions
It was very inspirational! Not so much about how to choose a chord to come next, but about songwriting as art, its place in history, its roots, and thoughts on useful mechanics (e.g. use computers rather than pen and paper for writing your songs.)

I think the biggest thing I took out of it was, work on your music. Take it seriously. The second and third verses (that you write) are bastards, but work on them so that they meet or exceed the bar you set in that first verse you scribbled down that came out "just so" and don't coast on that one great verse and leave the rest average.

Meantime, the "day job" sucked up time, but now wrapping up the mix for "Pedal To The Metal" and then will be bundling the songs together and getting them out as an EP on iTunes.

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